These are the teams competing in the 2023 F1 Losers League here. Keep abreast of your team (and your rivals' teams!) on this page.
How are you doing in the season standings? Change your team members to score more Track Points. Every team can Eject once per race, even if they've been Ejected in the Podium of Shame.
¹ ² ³ Sister teams indicated by superscript numbers
Each team has their own personal team page where they (and their rivals) can keep track of their points earned, changes to their team line-up using Ejector Seats, and all their Boost Button, Pitlane Punt and Fast Forecast activity.
2022 Losers League
Alfa Daley | Alpine Fresh | Camber Gamblers | Cockpit Misfits | Cruther’s Car Co. | Cruther’s Junior and less well funded team B | Double Daley | Group Team Name | Henry's Motors | Hot Hot Hovercraft | It's a Trap Lando | パンダポップ | Mancunian Badboy Racing | My heart will Grosjean | Nikita Putin | Panda Pops | Pierre Ghastly | Sainz-Tropez | Scrapyard 17 | Spoiler Alert | Steady Jordan | Strolling the ranks | Tardi Minardi | Team Name | The Blue Flag Boys | Vladimir Mazepin | VroomerDoomer | What Verstappened | Work Shop Boys | Your Answer
2021 F1 Losers League
Back of the shed | Clean Trolls | Cruthers Car Co. | Fernando Analonso | Gunther's Gonna Get Ya | Haas Beens | HAASN'T A CHANCE | It’s a trap Lando! | LockedDownLosers | Lou-sers | Mancunian Badboy Racing | Murraylivesforeverinourhearts | NEEEOOOOWWWW | Nikita Mazepimp | Not good on the BENds | Panda Pops | Pierre Ghastly | Steady Jordan | Tardi Minardi | Team Name | The Pit Lockers | The Tour de France is Better | Thomas's Tractors | VroomDoom | WereDrivingInReverse